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          1. 在線咨詢





            ☆Short cylindrical center mounting.
            ☆The structure types of jaws are classified as K51B series(soft top jaws with cross tenon) and K51C series (soft top jaws with serrations).
            ☆Suitable for processing plate material components.
            ☆The chucks are economic practical and with high performance reliability.


            2 頁  12

            金 經 理:13848189096(微信同號)
            聯系電話:?0471-5278253 ?   
            Q    Q:1531797536
            郵  箱:zhonghuanxiaoshou@163.com
            地  址:呼市回民區西二環金海機電城5A-17
            郵  編:010050


            国产精品嫩草影院AV|国产欧美日韩 亚洲欧美日韩久久精品|国模无码免费视频|无码中文字幕乱码二区
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